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James Hume Nisbet
The Land of the Hibiscus Blossom
Individual chapters >
Individual chapters >
I. An Island in the Torres Straits.
II. Captain Cook's Telescope
III. In the Bungalow
IV. Queen Ine
V. Bêche-De-Mer Working
VI. The "Sunflower."
VII. A Parting Glass
VIII. Hafid and His Little Friend
IX. Hafid Again on the Road Home
X. Hula.--A Lover's Quarrel
XI. Toto Remembers One of the Christian Virtues, and Forgives
XII. In the Gardens of Hula.--The Reconciliation
XIII. Towards the Fly River
XIV. The Voyage of the "Thunder."
XV. The Storm
XVI. Driven Ashore
XVII. Rea's Troubles Begin
XVIII. On Board the "Sunflower."
XIX. Niggeree's Version of His Escapade
XX. Niggeree's Version of His Escapade (Continued)
XXI. Hafid Finds His Bride
XXII. Yule Island
XXIII. A Hunting Expedition
XXIV. Toto as a Defender
XXV. Kamo to the Fore
XXVI. A Night Raid
XXVII. The "Thunder" to the Rescue
XXVIII. A Boat Voyage
XXIX. A Tribe of Butchers
XXX. The Coming Home of the Fleet
XXXI. "Help"
XXXII. Port Moresby
XXXIII. A New River
XXXIV. A Prospecting Expedition
XXXV. Return of the Professor
XXXVI. White Gods
XXXVII. A Walloby Hunt
XXXVIII. Hibiscus Blossoms
XXXIX. Bon Soir, Queen Ine
The Demon Spell
The Swampers
Individual chapters >
Individual chapters >
I. The Den of the Modern Wizard
II. A Confidential Conversation
III. The New Establishment
IV. Treasure Trove
V. Jack Milton at Home
VI. Jack Milton's Escape
VII. The Interview
VIII. Cousins
IX. Jack Milton Waits
X. An Unpleasant Dream
XI. On the Wallaby Track
XII. Anthony Vandyke Jenkins
XIII. The Prosperity and Fall of Jenkins
XIV. Jack Milton Makes for the West
XV. The Dream Mine
XVI. Rosa's Second Marriage
XVII. Tracked
XVIII. The Old, Old Game
XIX. Jack Milton is Taken in Charge
XX. Rosa Gets Initiated in Mining Parlance
XXI. Jack Milton and His Coloured Friends
XXII. To Kalgourlie
XXIII. The Swampers
XXIV. Chester Takes a Month's Leave
XXV. Jack Milton's Discovery
XXVI. The Courtship of Bob Wallace
XXVII. The Meeting of Jack and Rosa.
XXVIII. Jack Milton at Kalgourlie
XXIX. Where the Weary Cease to Trouble and the Wicked are at Rest
The Vampire Maid