WeirdSpace Digital Library - Culture without borders

Rango (2011)

Rango The basic story
A pet chameleon accidentally ends up in the Mojave Desert. Here he must first learn to survive, and as he ends up in the town named Dirt, where he takes the name Rango (the last part of the name Durango which he sees on a bottle), he presents himself as a tough drifter. He manages to get himself elected as sheriff, after killing a hawk that terrorizes the town (more or less by accident when running away screaming).

In the town, the water supply has suddenly dried out and along with the lovely lizard Beans, he sets out to solve the mystery and restore the water supply.

How was it?
Mediocre. The animation itself is excellent, the references to spaghetti westerns, especially the ones with Clint Eastwood, are priceless... but they forgot the story. The first 20 minutes or so, is just Rango getting tossed off a car and trying to survive his first encounter with the Mojave Desert. Lots of gags and slapstick, but rather pointless and boring. The last hour or so of the movie is actually pretty entertaining, but the first 30 minutes should have been 10 minutes, or it should have had some actual story like the last hour of the movie.


107 min.

- Michael Pilgaard