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The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The Shawshank Redemption The basic story
In the 1940's, Andy Dufresne is a young and successful banker who is wrongfully convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, for the murder of his wife and her lover. In prison Andy must learn to survive, and by applying his skills as a banker he makes life bearable for himself and others, and as time passes, he sets up plans to escape and get even with those who have done him wrong, not necessarily in that order.

How was it?
Outstanding movie! Great story, great acting, insanely nice visual side that keeps your eyes glued to the screen... well done, all the way. There are no spectacular effects, graphic violence or other gimmicks, just a compelling story about one man's time in prison, and how he survives and ultimately escapes. The movie is a mixture of good times, sad moments, funny and intriguing ideas, well written dialogue, and interesting characters.

Highly recommended!!


142 min.

- Michael Pilgaard