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Christie Eyes: Black
Hair: Light brown
Race: Human

Legal status: U.S. citizen
Marital Status: Single
Base of operations: Upper Duckwater, USA
Story: Evy is one of the small girls living in Upper Duckwater, USA

Continuity: Sam & Silo
Company: King Features
First app.: Comics: 1977
Creator(s): Mort Walker
Jerry Dumas
Country of origin: USA USA

Background notes: In the series, Christie offers the kids view on the things happening in the city and the world of grown-ups. A big part of what makes Christie funny is that she is actually smarter than most of the adults.


Names around the World:

Related links/characters:
- Abe McGuffie
- Algy
- Foggy
- Funny Floyd
- Granny Naps
- Jasper
- Mr. Teetering
- Rosie
- Sam Barnes
- Silo Tidley
- Sister Agnes