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Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)

Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) The basic story
Riggan Thomson used to play the superhero Birdman in three movies. While he was successful both commercially and among fans, he was not considered a "real" actor by the critics, and so he finances a Broadway play, to show that he is a real actor and get their approval.

With the Birdman persona in his head, the lead actor's idiosyncrasies and the critics' being dead set on writing a bad review on the play, no matter what, this turns out to be hard and frustrating work.

How was it?
Boring! For the most part I found it bland and boring. It had a few nice scenes and ideas. A few good laughs. The blend of how Riggan "uses" his telekinetic powers in the real world, and the Birdman personae talking to him, works really well.

If you like movies about frustrated people and their idiosyncrasies, this would be your thing. For me, it is the type of movies you watch, if you haven't seen it before, and there is noting better on one of the other channels.


119 min.

- Michael Pilgaard