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North to Alaska (1960)

North to Alaska The basic story
Alaska the year 1900. Sam McCord and his two partners have struck gold and now Sam's partner George want Sam to go to Seattle and get his fiancée, a girl of French descent, while he works at the mine. As it turns out, the fiancée hadn't felt like waiting for George and had married another man. Later that evening, in a cat house, under the influence of alcohol, he meets the girl Angel, a working girl who is also of French descent, and he gets the bright idea of bringing her to Alaska instead. Angel accepts and as they travel to Alaska, Sam treats her nicely, like a decent woman, and feelings start to develop and get in the way of Sam's bright idea.

As it turns out, Angel isn't the right girl for the friend, but she is the right girl for Sam.

How was it?
Good story. Highly entertaining. There is a lot of comedy and slapstick in the movie, complete with bird tweets when people get punched. Just enough to make it funny, without being silly. What really makes the movie work is that it contains an actual story, mixed up with some romance and funny brawls. Nothing deep in any way, but solid story that makes sense. You are not in any way surprised that the hero gets the girl in the end, or that the bad guys get what they deserve. It is the journey getting there that matters, and this part is quite good.

As funny westerns go, this is top notch.


124 min.

- Michael Pilgaard