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Sahara (1943)

Sahara The basic story
World War II, the battle with Rommel in the Libyan desert. Sergeant Joe Gunn and his team, with their M3 Lee tank (affectionately referred to as Lulabelle), are separated from their division and travel across the desert hoping to find water, avoid Rommel's troops, and rejoin the U.S. Army. Along the way they pick up a group of British soldiers, and an Italian, a Sudanese, and a German soldier.

How was it?
It's a good war story. A classic story about a group of people surviving in a harsh environment, populated with enemies. Nothing fancy, the characters are a bit two-dimensional and they use a lot of cliches; certainly not one of Bogart's best movies. Still, it is an entertaining story worth watching more than once, so for those who feel like watching an old propaganda war movie, Sahara is certainly worth trying.


97 min.
Black and white

- Michael Pilgaard