John Doran
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Race: Human
Occupation: StormWatch operative, field leader
Legal status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record.
Marital status: Married
Identity: Publicly known
Known relatives: Wife, no name yet
Group affiliation: New York Police Department
StormWatch Post Human Division
Base of operations: StormWatch Plaza
Story: John Doran was a police officer at the 18th precinct at NYPD who had an uncanny ability to survive, even conflicts with super humans. Somehow he knew instinctively how and when to act. He was approached by Jackson King for his new StormWatch team, to act as a liaison between the police and StormWatch and to try to teach the team some of his skills [StormWatch PHD #1].
As the team got together and started on its first missions, Doran became the field leader and the one to keep thing together [StormWatch PHD #2].
Continuity: WildStorm
Publisher(s): WildStorm
DC Comics
First app.: WorldStorm #1 (2006)
Creator(s): Christos Cage
Dough Mahnke
Country of origin: USA
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