Lady Alberta: [Belgium] German name for Lady d'Olphine, a robot from Peyo's series Benoît Brisefer.
Lady d'Olfina: [Belgium] Spanish name for Lady d'Olphine, a robot from Peyo's series Benoît Brisefer.
Lady d'Olphine: [Belgium] Robot from Peyo's series Benoît Brisefer.
Lady Feign: [USA] Vampire assassin employed by Lord Dominus (Image/WildStorm).
Lady Kluck: [USA] Lady Marion's lady in waiting from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Lady Olfina: [Belgium] Swedish name for Lady d'Olphine, a robot from Peyo's series Benoît Brisefer.
Lady Supreme: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Laevar Bolto: [USA] Cosmic King, the pre-crisis version of the villain with magnetic powers from The Legion of Super-Villains (DC Comics).
Laffe: [USA] Danish name for Heffridge Trumpler Brompet Heffalump IV/Lumpy, the heffalump from Disney's series Winnie the Pooh.
Lakridstrolden: [Sweden] Danish name for Lakristrollet, the black troll from Rune Andréasson's series Pellefant.
Lakristrollet: [Sweden] The black troll from Rune Andréasson's series Pellefant.
Lana Lang: [USA] The pre-crisis Earth-1 version Superman's friend from Smallville (DC Comics).
Lance Lewis: [USA] The Space Detective, Alan Moore's version of the science-hero (America's Best Comics (ABC)).
Lane Quintana: [USA] Character from Image/TopCow.
Lanolin: [USA] The temperamental sheep from Jim Davis's series U.S. Acres.
Lar Gand:
Lärarinnan: [USA] Swedish name for Miss Wormwood, the teacher from Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Larry Fischmann: [USA] A lawyer working at Top 10 from America's Best Comics.
Lars: [Denmark] The son from Werner Wejp-Olsen's series Momsemor.
Lars Lurendrejer: [Belgium] Danish name for Payasson, Sepadeffasson's henchman from Marcel Remacle and Marcel Denis' series Hultrasson le Viking.
Laurel Gand:
Laurel Lakeland: [USA] The Cobweb, the nocturnal heroine from Indigo City (America's Best Comics/ABC).
Lauren Pennington: [USA] The heat controlling StormWatch operative Fahrenheit (Image/WildStorm/DC Comics).
Laurie Jupeczyk: [USA] Character from Alan Moore's Watchmen (DC Comics).
Layil: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
Leanna Creel: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Leeyal: [USA] An assasin from H'trae (Dark Ocean Studios).
Legetøjskatten: [Sweden] Danish name for Leksakskatten, the toy cat from Rune Andréasson series Pellefant.
Leitäo: [United Kingdom] Portuguese name for Piglet, the toy pig from A. A. Milne and Disney's series Winnie the Pooh.
Leksakskatten: [Sweden] The toy cat from Rune Andréasson series Pellefant.
Leni Muller: [USA] The Sky Witch, WWII heroine and police officer in Neopolis from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Lenoir [USA] The undead girl from Calan Ree's series GingerDead and Friends.
Leonard: [USA] Swedish name for Schroeder, the boy with the piano from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Leonard Noble: [USA] The first director of Bloodstrike from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Leopold Stotch: [USA] Butters from South Park.
Leserabe: [Germany] The raven who entertain kids with stories and puzzles, while teaching them how to read.
Lethal: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Leviathan: [USA] Gim Allon, the Glorithverse, Batch SW6 version of the Legionnaire with the ability to increase his size (DC Comics).
Lex Luthor:
Lex Luthor II: [USA] Alias used by Lex Luthor when he posed as his own illegitimate son (DC Comics, post-Crisis Earth-0).
Liam Mendoza: [USA] Paris, a StormWatch operative from WildStorm/DC Comics.
Liane Cartman: [USA] One of the mothers from South Park.
Liém: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
Light Lass:
Lightning Boy: [USA] Original name for Garth Ranzz, the original (pre-crisis) Lightning Lad from DC Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes.
Lightning Lad:
Lightning Lass: [USA] Ayla Ranzz, the pre-crisis version of the Legionnaire, when her powers were electrical manipulation (DC Comics).
Lightning Lord: [USA] Mekt Ranzz, the pre-crisis LSH villain with electrical powers (DC Comics).
Ligne, La: [Italy] Canadian name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Lilafanti: [DDR/Germany] The purple elephant from the series Bummi.
Lille-Nalle: [Sweden] The little yellow teddy bear from Rune Andréasson's series Pellefant.
Li'l Bad Wolf: [USA] The good son of the Big Bad Wolf (Disney).
Li'l Bulb: [USA] Another name for Little Helper from Disney.
Lily Nalin: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Lin Sun: [USA] One of the Sons of the Tiger from Marvel Universe 616.
Linda Burnett: [USA] Janus, the receptionist at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Linda Kendall: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's revised Image Universe.
Linda Lee Danvers: [USA] Civilian name for Kara Zor-El, the pre-crisis Earth-1 version of Supergirl (DC Comics).
Ligne, La: [Italy] Canadian name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Lilla Tråget: [USA] Swedish name for Little Toot, the little tug boat from Disney/Gold Key.
Lille Hjælper: [USA] Danish name for Little Helper, Gyro Gearloose' little robot helper (Disney).
Lille Stygge Ulv: [USA] Danish name for Li'l Bad Wolf, the good son of the Big Bad Wolf (Disney).
Lille Tut: [USA] Danish name for Little Toot, the little tug boat from Disney/Gold Key.
Línan: [Italy] Icelandic name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Linea: [Italy] Slovenian name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Linea, La: [Italy] Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character.
Línea, La: [Italy] Spanish name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Lineman: [Italy] American name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Linha, A: [Italy] Brazilian name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Linus: [USA] Swedish name for Linus Van Pelt, the boy with the security blanket from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Linus linjalla: [Italy] Finnish name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Linus på linjen: [Italy] Swedish name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Linus Van Pelt: [USA] The boy with the security blanket from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Liquifier: [USA] Character from Shadowline, Jim Valentino's part of the original Image Universe.
Lisbeth: [USA] Danish name for Liz Wilson, the vet from Jim Davis' series Garfield & Friends.
Lise: [Denmark] The daughter from Werner Wejp-Olsen's series Momsemor.
Little Helper: [USA] Gyro Gearloose' little robot helper (Disney).
Little John: [USA] The Disney version of the Robin Hood's friend and aide.
Little King, The: [USA] Otto Soglow's classic pantomime character.
Little Miss Bad: [United Kingdom] The naughty and mischievous girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Birthday: [United Kingdom] The girl who loves birthdays, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Bossy: [United Kingdom] The bossy and rude girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Brainy: [United Kingdom] The girl who always has something smart to say, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Busy: [United Kingdom] The hyperactive girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Calamity: [USA] The girl for whom things usually ends going wrong, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Chatterbox: [United Kingdom] The girl who talks incessantly, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Christmas: [United Kingdom] The girl who loves Christmas, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Contrary: [United Kingdom] The girl who always says the opposite of what she really means, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Curious: [United Kingdom] The girl who want to know everything, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Daredevil: [USA] The girl who loves doing daring and reckless things, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Dotty: [United Kingdom] The girl with the silly ideas, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Fickle: [United Kingdom] The girl who always has trouble making up her mind, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Fun: [United Kingdom] The girl who always likes to have fun, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Giggles: [United Kingdom] The girl who giggles all the time, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Greedy: [United Kingdom] The greedy girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Helpful: [United Kingdom] The girl who tries to help everyone but makes a mess of things, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Jealous: [United Kingdom] The girl who is always jealous, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Late: [United Kingdom] The girl who is late for everything, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Lucky: [United Kingdom] The girl who think she is lucky, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Magic: [United Kingdom] The girl with magical powers, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Neat: [United Kingdom] The girl who likes it when everything is neat an tidy, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Naughty: [United Kingdom] The naughty girl who likes to play pranks on people, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Quick: [United Kingdom] The girl who is always in a hurry, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Scary: [United Kingdom] The girl who loved scaring other people, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Scatterbrain: [United Kingdom] The forgetful girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Shy: [United Kingdom] The shy girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Somersault: [United Kingdom] The athletic girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Splendid: [United Kingdom] The girl feels above the rest, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Star: [United Kingdom] The girl who wants to be popular, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Stella: [United Kingdom] The fashion designer, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Stubborn: [United Kingdom] The stubborn girl who does everything the way she wants, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Sunshine:
Little Miss Tidy: [United Kingdom] The girl who likes things to be neat and tidy, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Tiny: [United Kingdom] The very small girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Trouble: [United Kingdom] The girl who like to get people into trouble, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Twins: [United Kingdom] The girls who do everything as a pair, from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Whoops: [United Kingdom] The accident-prone girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Miss Wise: [United Kingdom] The wise and sensible girl from Roger Hargreaves' series Little Miss.
Little Toot: [USA] The little tug boat from Disney/Gold Key.
Live Wire: [USA] Garth Ranzz, the Glorithverse, Batch SW6 version of the Legionnaire with electrical powers (DC Comics).
Liz Wilson: [USA] The vet from Jim Davis' series Garfield & Friends.
Loki: [USA] Rob Liefeld's version of the Norse god from his part of the original Image Universe.
Lone One, The: [USA] The WildStorm version of Frankenstein's Monster.
Lone Wolf: [USA] Original name for the Legionnaire Brin Londo/Timber Wolf (DC Comics, pre-crisis version).
Long Tom: [USA] Character from Lester Dent's pulp series Doc Savage.
Lord Ardath: [USA] Alias for Val-En from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Lord Chapel: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Lord Darkthorn: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Lord Dominus: [USA] Crown Emperor of the Vampirium (Image/WildStorm).
Lord Dredd: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Lori Sanders: [USA] The current MaxiMage from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Lorry: [Japan] The squirrel from Hello Kitty (Sanrio Company).
Lortis: [USA] Swedish name for Pig-Pen, the dirt magnet from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Lotte: [USA] Danish name for Marcie, the smart girl from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Louie Duck: [USA] One of Donald Duck's three nephews (Disney).
Louis Duck: [USA] Louie Duck's real name in the cartoon series Quack Pack (Disney).
Louisa Mendez: [USA] The chauffeur at JFH: Justice-for-Hire (Creative Impulse Entertainment).
Lucas Solomon: [USA] The last leader of the Purifiers from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Lucifer: [USA] Rob Liefeld's version of the ruler of Hell from his part of the original Image Universe.
Lucky Luke: [Belgium] Morris' poor lonesome cowboy.
Lucy Furr: [USA] The hot ruler of Hell from a.k.a. Comics.
Lucy Van Pelt: [USA] The girl offering psychiatric help for 5¢ from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Ludwig Von Drake: [USA] The Austrian professor and inventor from Disney.
Lufthexe, Die: [USA] Name used by Leni Muller/The Sky Witch while fighting for the Germans during WWII (America's Best Comics (ABC)).
Lui: [Italy] German name sometimes used for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Lullubelle: [Denmark] Jørgen Mogensen's blonde and not too bright secretary.
Lummox: [USA] Character from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Lumpy: [USA] The heffalump from Disney's series Winnie the Pooh.
Luornu Durgo:
Luornu Durgo Taine: [USA] The name of the pre-crisis version of Triplicate Girl/Duo Damsel from DC Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes after she got married.
Lupé Silva: [USA] Werewolf from Dale Keown's part of the original Image Universe/Full Bleed.
Lupo: [USA] Armand Waering/Jaquar's aide (Image/WildStorm).
Lydda Jath: [USA] Night Girl, the pre-crisis version of the substitute Legionnaire with the darkness based powers (DC Comics).
Lydia O'Rourke: [USA] Telepathic mutant cyborg Misery from Image/Top Cow.
Lyle Norg:
Lynx: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.