Sally Brown: [USA] Charlie Brown's little sister from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Sally Crane: [USA] Suprema from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Sally-Jo Jessel: [USA] Micro-maid, forensic pathologist at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Salu Digby:
Sam Sheepdog: [USA] The sheepdog stopping Ralph Wolf from stealing sheep (Looney Tunes).
Sam Smith: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Sammy Day: [Belgium] Berck and Cauvin's 'gorilla'.
Sara: [USA] A warrior from Dragon Cross (Big City Comics).
Sargeant: [Belgium] The leader of the soldiers from Louis-Michel Carpentier's series Les Toyottes.
Satan: [USA] The South Park version of the fallen angel.
Saturn Girl:
Sauras: [USA] Character from Dale Keown's part of the original Image Universe/Full Bleed.
Savage Dragon: [USA] Erik Larsen's green alien from his part of the Image Universe.
Scamp: [USA] The adventurous son of Lady and the Tramp (Disney).
Scandal: [USA] Character from Shadowline, Jim Valentino's part of the original Image Universe.
Scarab: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Schroeder: [USA] The boy with the piano from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Scottie: [Denmark] Lars Jakobsen and emik's Scottish terrier.
Scotty: [USA]Danish name for Jock, the Scottish terrier from Lady and the Tramp (Disney).
Scrooge McDuck: [USA] The World's richest duck (Disney).
Sea Hag, The: [USA] The hag from Elzie Crisler Segar's series Popeye.
Seahawk: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Sean Welch: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Sebastian Ashe: [USA] Police detective from Muerto Angeles (WildStorm).
Second Story Kid: [USA] Character from Jim Krueger's series Foot Soldiers.
Seer, The: [USA] Character from Dale Keown's part of the original Image Universe/Full Bleed.
Selma Tolon: [USA] Character from DC Universe.
Señor Paiva: [Brasil] The father of the family living next door to Biquinho and Fethry (Disney).
Sentinel II: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Set: [USA] Alan Moore's version of the science-hero Mystico (America's Best Comics/ABC).
Setrar Cydem: [USA] A wanderer from H'trae (Dark Ocean Studios).
Seven Cross: [USA] An Ion-pilot from Oren (Dark Ocean Studios).
Shady: [USA] One of the Knights on Broadway from Broadway Comics.
Shaft: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Shamrock Bones: [USA] A detective working with Mickey Mouse and Chief O'Hara (Disney).
Shamrock Gander: [USA] Gladstone Gander's lucky nephew (Disney).
Shanhara: [USA] Sentient armor from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Sharky: [USA] The guard dog from Eek! The Cat (Fox Kids).
Sharon Marsh: [USA] One of the mothers from South Park.
Sherman: [USA] The great shark from Jim Toomey's series Sherman's Lagoon.
Shermy: [USA] One of the boys from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Shield, The: [USA] Joe Higgins, the DC Comics Red Circle version of The Shield.
Sho Sugino: [USA] The first to become Rai from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Shockheaded Peter: [USA] Pete Cheney, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Shogun: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Showdown: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Shrinking Violet:
Sh'rrnnn: [USA] Alien shape changer from Image/TopCow.
Shy Stevens: [USA] ChiSai, mercenary from Approbation Comics.
Signe: [USA] Danish name for Arlene, the gap-toothed cat from Jim Davis' series Garfield & Friends.
Silk Spectre: [USA] Character from Alan Moore's Watchmen (DC Comics).
Simon: [United Kingdom] Simon Tofields's cat owner from the series Simon's Cat.
Simon Oreck: [USA] Character from Valiant Heroes - 2.
Simon Vascar: [USA] Vampire from Muertos Angeles (WildStorm).
Simon's Cat: [United Kingdom] The cat from Simon Tofields's series.
Sir Hiss: [USA] Prince John's advisor from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Sis: [USA] One of the kids from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Sizz: [USA] One of the Knights on Broadway from Broadway Comics.
Skalden: [USA] Norwegean name for the bard Alan-a-Dale from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Skipper Skræk: [USA] Danish name for Popeye, Elzie Crisler Segar's spinach eating sailor.
Skippy: [USA] One of the kids from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Skrækkelige Olfert: [Denmark] Qvist's obnoxious comic book character.
Skullface: [USA] A super-powered criminal from Erik Larsen's part of the original Image Universe.
Smenkhkare: [USA] Alan Moore's version of the science-hero Mystico (America's Best Comics/ABC).
Smuggler: [USA] Erik Josten, the first Smuggler from the Marvel Universe (616 continuity).
Snobben: [USA] Swedish name for Snoopy, the famous beagle from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Sofie: [Denmark] The mother from Werner Wejp-Olsen's series Momsemor.
Sokke: [Netherlands] German name for the teenage canarie Sukke from the series Fokke & Sukke.
Solar: [USA] Phil Seleski, the Man of the Atom from Valiant Heroes - 1 and 2.
Solvej: [Denmark] The girl from Qvist's series Skrækkelige Olfert.
Sonar: [USA] Carol Hatcher a Secret Weapon from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Sorte Slyngel: [USA] Danish name for Phantom Blot, the villain in the black hood from Disney.
Souffleur, Le: [Belgium] The prompter for comic book characters by Paul Deliège.
Spacehunter: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Spaceman Spiff: [USA] Calvin's science fiction alias from Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Speedball: [USA] Robbie Baldwin, the kinetic hero from Marvel Universe (616 continiuty).
Speedy Gonzales: [USA] The fastest mouse in Mexico from Looney Tunes.
Spennacchiotto: [USA] Italian name for Emil Eagle, the evil genius from Disney.
Sphinx, The: [USA] Character from Avalon Studios.
Spindle Six: [USA] Character from Jim Krueger's series Foot Soldiers.
Splash Branigan: [USA] The living ink blot from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Spokesman, The: [USA] Character from Jim Krueger's series Foot Soldiers.
Sprutten: [Denmark] The funny and adventurous octopus by Mik.
Stan Marsh: [USA] The average mixed-up American kid from South Park.
Star Boy:
Star Seed: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
Starke Staffan: [Belgium] Swedish name for Benoît Brisefer, Peyo's polite and very strong boy.
Steen: [USA] Danish name for Calvin, Bill Watterson's famous boy from his series Calvin and Hobbes.
Steve Pops: [Belgium] Jacques Devos' very secret Agent H2O.
Steve Strong:
Steve Traynor: [USA] Police captain at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Steven Sterk: [Belgium] Dutch name for Benoît Brisefer, Peyo's polite and very strong boy.
Stinky: [USA] Second name for Pepé Le Pew from Looney Tunes.
Stochastic Fats: [USA] Willy Beaumont, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Stone Boy: [USA] Dag Wentim, the pre-crisis version of the substitute legionnaire (DC Comics).
Stora Tråget: [USA] Swedish name for Big Toot, the grown-up tugboat from Disney/Gold Key.
Store Tut: [USA] Danish name for Big Toot, the grown-up tugboat from Disney/Gold Key.
Story: [USA] Character from Jim Krueger's series Foot Soldiers.
Storybook Smith: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Stregen: [Italy] Danish name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Streken: [Italy] Norwegian name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Stupendous Man: [USA] Calvin's super-hero alter-ego from Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Stykman: [USA] The inept stickman/hero from a.k.a. Comics.
Stylte: [Denmark] The rabbit on stilts from Torben Osted's series Fodring Forbudt.
Sue Dearbon:
Sue Dibney:
Suicide Bunnies: [United Kingdom] Andy Riley's cute suicidal bunnies.
Sukke: [Netherlands] The teenage canarie from the series Fokke & Sukke.
Sun Boy:
Sunburst: [USA] Karl Hansen, the StormWatch operative with nuclear fusion powers (WildStorm).
Sung Li: [USA] Girl One, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Super Gilbert: [USA] Original super-hero alias for Goofy's nephew Gilbert (Disney).
Super Gilly: [USA] Later super-hero alias for Goofy's nephew Gilbert (Disney).
Super Goof: [USA] Goofy's super alter-ego (Disney).
Superboy: [USA] The original pre-crisis Superboy from Earth-1 (DC Comics).
Supergirl: [USA] Kara Zor-El, the pre-crisis Earth-1 version of Supergirl (DC Comics).
Supermule: [USA] Danish name for Super Goof, Goofy's super alter-ego (Disney).
Superion: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
Suprema: [USA] Sally Crane from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Supremium Man: [USA] Darius Dax, the mad genius from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Surtr: [Iceland, Scandinavia] Fire-giant from Norse Mythology.
Susie Derkins: [USA] Calvin's friend from Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Suzy: [Belgien] Sergio Salma and Carine de Brab's young girl.
Swee'Pea: [USA] Popeye's adopted son from Elzie Crisler Segar's series.
Syn: [USA] Synaesthesia Jackson, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Synaesthesia Jackson: [USA] Police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Synergy: [USA] Christine Trelane, metahuman activator from StormWatch and the Monarchy (WildStorm).
Søren: [Denmark] The father from Werner Wejp-Olsen's series Momsemor.
Søster: [Denmark] The daughter in Helge Hall's series Hans og Grete.