Pagan: [USA] Zarej, a StormWatch operative (Image/WildStorm).
Paige Patton: [USA] One of the sorority girls and zombie killers from Approbation Comics.
Painkiller Jane: [USA] Character from Event Comics.
Pallas Athene: [Greece] The Greek goddess of wisdom.
Pandaba: [Japan] One of Badtz-Maru's friend (Sanrio Company).
Papa: [USA] French name for Dad, Calvin's father in Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Papá: [USA] Spanish name for Dad, Calvin's father in Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Papa Remorqueur: [USA] French name for Big Toot, the grown-up tugboat from Disney/Gold Key.
Pappa: [USA] Swedish name for Dad, Calvin's father in Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Paris: [USA] Liam Mendoza, a StormWatch operative from WildStorm/DC Comics.
Patricia Reichardt: [USA] Peppermint Patty's real name (Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts).
Patricia Savage: [USA] Character from Lester Dent's pulp series Doc Savage.
Patty: [USA] One of the girls from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Paul: [Japan] The ant from the adaption of Waldemar Bonsels' Die Biene Maja.
Paul Bouvier: [USA] Character from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Pechi: [Denmark] Spanish name for Rasmus Klump, Carla and Vilhelm Hansen's famous bear.
Pelle: [Denmark] The pelican from Carla and Vilhelm Hansen's series Rasmus Klump.
Pelle Gris: [USA] Danish name for Porky Pig, the stuttering pig from Looney Tunes.
Pellefant: [Sweden] Rune Andréasson's toy elephant.
Penance: [USA] Robbie Baldwin's new identity after the Civil War (Marvel Universe, 616 continuity).
Pendulum: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
Penny: [Italy] The Beagle Boys' niece (Disney).
Pepé Le Pew: [USA] The womanizing French skunk from Looney Tunes.
Peppermint Patty: [USA] The freckle-faced girl from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Percival Wainright III: [USA] Character from Image/TopCow.
Peregrine: [USA] Cathy Colby, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Peripheral Man: [USA] Character from Jim Krueger's series Foot Soldiers.
Pete Cheney: [USA] Shockheaded Peter, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Peter Vimmelskaft: [Denmark] Storm P.'s character from his series Peter og Ping.
Petit Rigolo, Le: [Belgium] Sergio Salma's boy reflecting on various subjects.
Petit Roi, Le: [USA] French name for The Little King, Otto Soglow's classic pantomime character.
Petunia Gris: [USA] Danish name for Petunia Pig, Porky Pig's girlfriend from Looney Tunes.
Petunia Pig: [USA] Porky Pig's girlfriend from Looney Tunes.
Phade: [USA] Character from Image/TopCow.
Phantom Blot: [USA] The villain in the black hood from Disney.
Phantom Girl:
Phil Miller: [USA] Temporary alias for Phil Seleski from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Phil Seleski: [USA] Solar, Man of the Atom from Valiant Heroes - 1 and 2.
Philip Omen: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Philip Solar: [USA] The original Doctor Solar from Gold Key.
Phoibos Apollon: [Greece] Apollo, the Greek god of music.
Phooey Duck: [USA] The fourth of Donald Duck's nephews (Disney).
Piccolo Re: [USA] Italian name for The Little King, Otto Soglow's classic pantomime character.
Pieter Anton Cross: [USA] The 3rd Doctor Mid-Nite from DC Comics (post-crisis New Earth/Earth-0).
Pig: [USA] The pig from Stephan Pastis' series Pearls Before Swine.
Pig-Pen: [USA] The dirt magnet from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Pigita: [USA] The blonde pig from Stephan Pastis' series Pearls Before Swine.
Piglet: [United Kingdom] The toy pig from A. A. Milne and Disney's series Winnie the Pooh.
Pikku Purtilo: [USA] Finnish name for Little Toot, the little tug boat from Disney/Gold Key.
Ping: [Denmark] Storm P.'s small penguin from his series Peter og Ping.
Pingo: [Denmark] The penguin from Carla and Vilhelm Hansen's series Rasmus Klump.
Pipi xiong: [Denmark] Chinese name for Rasmus Klump, Carla and Vilhelm Hansen's famous bear.
Pitt: [USA] Character from Dale Keown's part of the original Image Universe/Full Bleed.
Pluto: [USA] Mickey's dog (Disney).
Pochi: [Japan] Badtz-Maru's "guard dog" (Sanrio Company).
Porky Pig: [USA] The stuttering pig from Looney Tunes.
Pol: [Denmark] Belgian and Dutch name for Rasmus Klump, Carla and Vilhelm Hansen's famous bear.
Pol-Bekhara: [USA] Sentient armor from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Politimester Striks: [USA] Danish name for Chief O'Hara, the Chief of police in Duckburg (Disney).
Pooh Bear: [United Kingdom] Winnie The Pooh, the teddy bear from A. A. Milne and Disney's series.
Pooky: [USA] The teddy bear from Jim Davis' series Garfield & Friends.
Poopdeck Pappy: [USA] Popeye's father from Elzie Crisler Segar's series.
Popeye: [USA] Elzie Crisler Segar's spinach eating sailor.
Porpy: [USA] Moby Duck's porpoise friend and helper (Disney/Gold Key).
Power-Man: [USA] Erik Josten, the first Power-Man from the Marvel Universe (616 continuity).
Practical Pig: [USA] Disney's version of the smart pig from the Three little Pigs.
Primer: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Prince Dakkar: [USA] Captain Nemo's real name (America's Best Comics).
Prince John: [USA] Disney's version of the evil ruler of England, from Robin Hood.
Princess Pantha: [USA] Alan Moore's version of the jungle girl from America's Best Comics.
Princess Projectra:
Probe: [USA] The daughter of Supreme from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Professor Chaos: [USA] Alias for Butters from South Park.
Profesor Gavilán: [USA] Spanish name for Emil Eagle, the evil genius from Disney.
Professor Gavião: [USA] Brazilian and Portuguese name for Emil Eagle, the evil genius from Disney.
Professor Night: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Projectra Wind'zzor:
Proteus: [USA] Nanite robot from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Proty: [USA] The pre-crisis version of the Protean pet from the Legion of Super-Heroes (DC Comics).
PSI-fire: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Pug, The: [USA] Character from Avalon Studios.
Purifiers, The: [USA] Organization from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Pussyfoot: [USA] The cute kitten protected by Marc Antony (Looney Tunes).
Pylle And: [USA] Danish name for May Duck, one of Daisy Duck's three nieces (Disney).