Ab-Death: [USA] The creature walking between the World of the Living and the Dead from WildStorm.
Abarakandiši Di Fjuri: [Italy] Serbian name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Abdul Qamar: [USA] The first Arabian Knight from Marvel Universe (616 continuity).
Abe Brown: [USA] Black Tiger, one of the Sons of the Tiger from Marvel Universe 616.
Abelardo: [Italy] Argentinean name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Abigail Mercy Wright: [USA] An angel of mercy known as Mercy from Marvel Universe (616 continiuty).
Abnegazar: [USA] Demon from DC Comics pre-crisis Earth-1.
Abra Kadabra: [USA] Magician and villain from DC Comics pre-crisis Earth-1, post-crisis Earth-0.
Abraham Zondag: [Netherlands] Freelance agent from Martin Lodewijk's series Agent 327.
Achilles: [USA] Alan Moore's version of the famous warrior from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Acolmiztli: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec god of the underworld.
Acolnahuacatl: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec god of the underworld.
Acuecucyoticihuati: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec goddess of the ocean, running water, and rivers.
Adamson: [Sweden] Oscar Jacobsson's classic silent character.
Adrian Veidt: [USA] The hero Ozymandias from Alan Moore's Watchmen (DC Comics).
Adriance Carpathia: [USA] An Ion-pilot from Oren (Dark Ocean Studios).
Aegeus: [USA] Nikos Aegeus, Greek terrorist from pre-crisis Earth-1 (DC Comics).
Afterglow: [USA] A Blood S.C.R.E.A.M. operative from Broadway Comics.
Agent 18: [USA] Jack Truman, the third Deathlok in the main Marvel Universe (616 Universe).
Agent 327: [Netherlands] Martin Lodewijk's secret agent Hendrik IJzerbroot.
Agent 525: [Netherlands] Carl Sorge, a secret agent from Martin Lodewijk's series Agent 327.
Agent H2O: [Belgium] Steve Pops, Jacques Devos' very secret agent.
Aghaaye Khat: [Italy] Iranian name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Agostino Lagostina: [Italy] Original name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Ajax: [USA] Human/alien teenager from Broadway Comics.
Al: [USA] Stykman's alien sidekick from a.k.a. Comics.
Alan Keever: [USA] Youngblood supervisor from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Alan Wellington Scott:
Alan-a-Dale: [USA] The bard from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Alan-i-Dalen: [USA] Swedish name for the bard from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Albert: [Italy] Danish name for Battista, Scrooge McDuck's butler (Disney).
Alessandra Fermi: [USA] The StormWatch operative Diva with sonic powers (Image/WildStorm).
Alexander: [Japan] The mouse from the adaption of Waldemar Bonsels' Die Biene Maja.
Aleyen: [USA] A wanderer/outlaw from H'trae (Dark Ocean Studios).
Alfred Pennyworth:
Alfredo: [Denmark] Mogens Jørgensen and Cosper Cornelius' pantomime womanizer.
Alice the Goon: [USA] The strange creature from Elzie Crisler Segar's series Popeye the Sailor.
Alloy: [USA] Defunct X-O armor animated by the deceased Paul Bouvier (Valiant Heroes - 1).
Alphonse: [USA] The needy porcupine from Stephan Pastis' series Pearls Before Swine.
AlSeyed Khat: [Italy] Saudi Arabian name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Amanda Reed: [USA] Taboo, the red head with a vampiric symbiote from Image/WildStorm.
Ambrosius: [Belgium] One of the soldiers from Louis-Michel Carpentier's series Les Toyottes.
Amimitl: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec god of lakes and fish hunters.
Amok: [USA] Immortal warrior from Valiant Heroes - 2.
Amy Belcher: [USA] She-Dragon from Erik Larsen's part of the original Image Universe.
Ancient, The: [USA] Magician from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Andre DuBois: [USA] The speedster Mach from the Secret Weapons program (Valiant Heroes - 1).
Andrew Blodgett Mayfair: [USA] The chemist from Lester Dent's pulp series Doc Savage.
Andrew Nolan:
Angel: [USA] Warren Kenneth Worthington III, a winged mutant from Marvel Universe (616 continuity).
Angelica Jones: Energy absorbing mutant from Marvel Universe 616.
Angelo Mortalli:
Annabell: [USA] The fat southern bell cat from Eek! The Cat (Fox Kids).
Annihilus: [USA] Conqueror from the Negative Zone (Marvel Universe, 616 continiuty)
Ant-Man: [USA] Henry Pym, the original Ant-Man from the Marvel Universe (616 continuity).
Anthony White: [Japan] Hello Kitty's grandfather (Sanrio Company).
Ape, The: [USA] Adam, the simian hero of S.M.A.S.H. from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Aphrodite: [Greece] The Greek goddess love, beauty and fertility.
Aphrodite IX: [USA] Android assassin from TopCow.
Apollo: [Greece] The Greek god of music.
April Duck: [USA] One of Daisy Duck's three nieces (Disney).
April Martinez: [USA] One of John Raymond's friends, DC Comics Red Circle.
Aragog: [United Kingdom] The giant spider from J.K. Rowling's series Harry Potter.
Arclight: [USA] Alias for Jackson Dane while he was in Team 7 (Image/WildStorm/DC Comics).
Arend Akelig: [USA] Dutch name for Emil Eagle, the evil genius from Disney.
Arend Adelaar: [USA] Dutch name for Emil Eagle, the evil genius from Disney.
Ares: [Greece] God of war from the original Greek Mythology.
Aric: [USA] The Visigoth from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Aric Dacia: [USA] Modern day name for the Visigoth Aric from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Arlene: [USA] The gap-toothed cat from Jim Davis' series Garfield & Friends.
Armand Sebastian Waering: The werewolf who funded WetWorks for a time (Image/WildStorm).
Arrteck: [USA] A guardsman from H'trae (Dark Ocean Studios).
Arsenal: [USA] Roy Harper from DC Comics (post-crisis New Earth/Earth-0).
Artemis: [Greece] The Greek goddess of the hunt and the moon.
Artige Werner: [Denmark] The goody two-shoes from Qvist's series Skrækkelige Olfert.
Astérix: [France] René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo's famous Gaul warrior.
Athene: [Greece] The Greek goddess of wisdom.
Atl: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec god of water.
Atlacamani: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec goddess of the storms which occur on the ocean.
Atlacoya: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec goddess of drought.
Atlatonin: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec mother-goddess.
Atlaua: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec water god.
Avarell Dalton: [Belgium] One of the Dalton brothers from Morris' series Lucky Luke.
Ax: [USA] The harbinger with the ability to control machines from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Ayla Ranzz: