Gail Sanders: [USA] A nuclear physicist in Atom Valley (Gold Key).
Gamin: [USA] A thief from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Garfield: [USA] Jim Davis' famous fat cat.
Garth: [USA] Atlantean from DC Comics (pre-crisis Earth-1, post-crisis Earth-0).
Garth Ranzz:
Gaylord Buzzard: [USA] The intellectual buzzard from Russell Myers' series Broom-Hilda.
Ged: [USA] Danish name for Goat from Stephan Pastis' series Pearls Before Swine.
Gédéon: [Belgium] One of the soldiers from Louis-Michel Carpentier's series Les Toyottes.
Gem Antonelli: [USA] The mind controlling gen-active Copycat from Image/WildStorm.
Gender-bender, Der: [Germany] The super-villain from Nicolas Mahler's super-hero satire.
General Sod: [USA] The dirt clod with a grudge from a.k.a. Comics.
Genie: [USA] Warrior from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Georg Gearløs: [USA] Danish name for Gyro Gearloose, the inventor from Disney.
George P. Dog: [USA] Temporary name for Barnyard Dawg (Looney Tunes).
George White: [Japan] The hardworking father of Hello Kitty (Sanrio Company).
Gertrude Wilson [USA] Mercenary from Approbation Comics.
Ghast: [USA] Demon from DC Comics.
Giant-Man: [USA] Henry Pym, the original Giant-Man from the Marvel Universe (616 continuity).
Giffe: [Denmark] The giraffe from Torben Osted's series Fodring Forbudt.
Gilad Abrams: [USA] Modern day alias for Gilad Anni Padda from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Gilad Anni Padda: [USA] The Eternal Warrior from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Gilbert: [USA] Goofy's clever nephew and Super Goof's sidekick (Disney).
Gim Allon:
GingerDead [USA] The gingerbread boy from Calan Ree's series GingerDead and Friends.
Giraffen: [Sweden] The toy giraffe from Rune Andréasson's series Pellefant.
Girl One: [USA] Sung Li, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Gladstone Gander: [USA] The World's luckiest duck (Disney).
Gloria: [Brasil] Fethry's hippie girlfriend and partner in crime fighting (Disney).
Gloria West: [USA] Secret identity of Gloriana Demeter Rob Liefelds revised Universe.
Gloriana Demeter: [USA] The warrior princess from Rob Liefelds original Image Universe.
Glory: [USA] Gloriana Demeter the warrior princess from Rob Liefelds original Image Universe.
Goat: [USA] The goat from Stephan Pastis' series Pearls Before Swine.
God: [USA] The South Park version of the All-mighty.
Goofy: [USA] The famous dog from Disney.
Gordon Whitfield: [USA] Former leader of the Brotherhood, from Broadway Comics.
Gorgeous: [USA] Wanda Durst, a StormWatch operative from WildStorm/DC Comics.
Grage, Tony: [Denmark] Danish illustrator and author.
Grandpa Beagle: [USA] The Beagle Boys' grandfather (Disney).
Granny: [USA] Popeye the Sailor's grandmother.
Granny Naps: [USA] Sam's grandmother from Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker's series Sam and Silo.
Green Arrow:
Green Lantern:
Gregor Latinev: [USA] Cybernetic mercenary from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Grelber: [USA] The insulting creature in the hollow tree from Russell Myers' series Broom-Hilda.
Grete: [Denmark] The mother in Helge Hall's series Hans og Grete.
Greyshirt: [USA] Franky Lafayette, the masked hero of Indigo City (America's Best Comics/ABC).
Gri-Grill: [Frankrig] Dragon from Julio Ribera's series Dracurella.
Gridlock: [USA] Super-human operative working for a U.S. government agency, from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Grimbor: [USA] The pre-crisis LSH villain with the ability to chain opponents (DC Comics).
Grimm: [USA] A warrior from the future and a member of Doom's IV (Image/Extreme Studios).
Grimm E. Ulv: [USA] Danish name for Wile E. Coyote, the famous coyote from Looney Tunes.
Gris: [USA] Danish name for Pig from Stephan Pastis' series Pearls Before Swine.
Grote Toet: [USA] Dutch name for Big Toot, the grown-up tugboat from Disney/Gold Key.
Grynt: [USA] Danish name for Fiddler Pig, one of Disney's Three Little Pigs.
Grønspætterne: [USA] Danish name for The Junior Woodchucks, boy-scouts/organization from Disney.
Grønært: [USA] Danish name for Swee'Pea, Popeye's adopted son from Elzie Crisler Segar's series.
Guida Paiva: [Brasil] The mother of the family living next door to Biquinho and Fethry (Disney).
Gutter Rat: [USA] Harbinger with the ability to upset the laws of physics, from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Gwynnion: [USA] A fairie living in the human world, from Avalon Studios.
Gyro Gearloose: [USA] The inventor from Disney.
Gysse: [USA] Danish name for Fifer Pig, one of Disney's Three Little Pigs.
Gårdmand Bjørn: [USA] Danish name for Brer Bear, the friendly farmer from Disney.