Farina: [USA] The germophobe pig from Stephan Pastis' series Pearls Before Swine.
Fatale: [USA] Desirée Hopewell, the energy absorbing woman from Broadway Comics.
Father Saxton: [USA] One of the church mice helping Friar Tuck from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Fedtmule: [USA] Danish name for Goofy, the famous dog from Disney.
Felix Abbott: [USA] Death's Angel, a would-be World conqueror from Image/TopCow.
Fenris-Wolf: [Iceland, Scandinavia] The big wolf from Norse Mythology.
Ferd'nand: [Denmark] The silent family man by Mik (Henning Dahl Mikkelsen).
Ferd'nand's son: [Denmark] Ferd'nand's kid by Mik (Henning Dahl Mikkelsen).
Ferdie Fieldmouse: [USA] One of Mickey's two nephews (Disney).
Fester Bestertester: [USA] The smarter one from Don Martin's series Fester & Karbunkle.
Fethry Duck: [USA] The slightly confused and not too bright nephew of Scrooge McDuck (Disney).
Fi-Doh: [Netherlands] Dr. Maybe's helper from Martin Lodewijk's series Agent 327.
Fiddler Pig: [USA] One of Disney's Three Little Pigs.
Fiend, The:
Fifer Pig: [USA] One of Disney's Three Little Pigs.
Fifi: [Japan] The energetic sheep from Hello Kitty (Sanrio Company).
Filemón Pí: [Spain] Agent of T.I.A. from Francisco Ibáñez' series Mortadelo y Filemón.
Fillmore: [USA] The pensive turtle from Jim Toomey's series Sherman's Lagoon.
Filur: [Sweden] The "bad" wizard from Rune Andréasson's series Pellefant.
Firestar: [USA] Energy absorbing mutant from Marvel Universe 616.
First American: [USA] Troy Todd, an inept hero from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Fix: [USA] Danish name for Tiny the dog, the Great Dane from Disney.
Flamebird: [USA] Jimmy Olsen's super-hero alter ego in Kandor (pre-crisis Earth-1, DC Comics).
Flapper: [USA] One of the Knights on Broadway from Broadway Comics.
Flashpoint: [USA] Foster McClane, the StormWatch operative with optic blasts (Image/WildStorm).
Flattop: [USA] Jason C. Phillips, a WetWorks operative (Image/WildStorm).
Foghorn Leghorn: [USA] The overbearing rooster from Looney Tunes.
Fokke: [Netherlands] The teenage duck from the series Fokke & Sukke.
Folmer: [Denmark] The gofer from Holger Philipsen's series Carlt.
Foster McClane: [USA] Flashpoint, the StormWatch operative with optic blasts (Image/WildStorm).
Franciscus Tietjerksteradeel: [Netherlands] The sailor from Martin Lodewijk's series Agent 327.
Frank Verrano: [USA] The pyrokinetic hero called Inferno, from DC Comics Red Circle.
Frankenstein's Monster: [USA] The Lone One, the WildStorm version of the famous monster.
Franklin: [USA] One of the kids from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Franky Lafayette: [USA] Greyshirt, the masked hero of Indigo City (America's Best Comics (ABC)).
Fräulein Kassandra: [Germany] The teacher from Waldemar Bonsels' Die Biene Maja.
Fred Bender: [USA] Doctor Eclipse, the Darque-powered villain from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Fred Flagstone: [USA] The original name for Fred Flintstone from Hanna & Barbera's Flintstones.
Fred Flintstone: [USA] The Stone Age family man from Hanna & Barbera's Flintstones.
Frenzy: [USA] Larry Fischmann, a lawyer working at Top 10 from America's Best Comics.
Frère Boudin: [Belgium] Greg and Claude Marin's monk with the magical bone.
Friar Tuck: [USA] The Disney version of the friar from Nottingham, from the cartoon Robin Hood.
Frida: [USA] Swedish name for Frieda, one of the girls from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Frieda: [USA] One of the girls from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Fritz: [USA] Ronko, one of the Knights on Broadway, from Broadway Comics.
Frontline: [USA] An unstoppable Harbinger from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Fru. Bjørn: [USA] Danish name for Missus Bear, the sweet and charming wife of Bre'r Bear (Disney).
Fru. Ferd'nand: [Denmark] The pleasant wife of Ferd'nand by Mik (Henning Dahl Mikkelsen).
Frøken Siskensen: [Denmark] The secretary from Holger Philipsen's series Carlt.
Fuji: [USA] Toshiro Misawa, a StormWatch operative from Image/WildStorm/DC Comics.
Fup And: [USA] Danish name for Phooey Duck, the fourth of Donald Duck's three nephews (Disney).
Furball: [USA] Nickname for the Legionnaire Brin Londo/Timber Wolf (DC Comics, pre-crisis version).
Fætter Højben: [USA] Danish name for Gladstone Gander, the World's luckiest duck (Disney).