Wade: [USA] The duck who is afraid of almost anything from Jim Davis's series U.S. Acres.
Wall Flower: [USA] Character from Jim Krueger's series Foot Soldiers.
Wally Gator [USA] The alligator at City Zoo (Hanna & Barbera).
Walther: [Belgium] The steward from François Walthéry and Gos' series Natacha.
Walter Joseph Kovacs: [USA] Character from Alan Moore's Watchmen (DC Comics).
Wanda Durst: [USA] Gorgeous, a StormWatch operative from WildStorm/DC Comics.
War: [USA] Robert Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk from Marvel Universe (616 continiuty).
Web, The: [USA] John Raymond, the DC Comics Red Circle version of The Web.
Wendi Hickenbottom: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
Wendy Elizabeth: [USA] One of the kids from Eek! The Cat (Fox Kids).
Wendy McKinnes: [USA] Character from Avalon Studios.
Wendy Testaburger: [USA] One of the kids from South Park.
Wild One: [USA] Yukio, assassin/adventurer from Marvel Universe 616.
Wile E. Coyote: [USA] The famous coyote from Looney Tunes.
Willi: [Japan] The young bee from the adaption of Waldemar Bonsels' Die Biene Maja.
William: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
William Dalton: [Belgium] One of the Dalton brothers from Morris' series Lucky Luke.
Willy Beaumont: [USA] Stochastic Fats, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Wilma Flagstone: [USA] The original name for Wilma Flintstone from Hanna & Barbera's Flintstones.
Wilma Flintstone: [USA] The Stone Age house wife from Hanna & Barbera's Flintstones.
Wimpy: [USA] The hamburger loving cheapskate from Elzie Crisler Segar's series Popeye.
Winnie the Pooh: [United Kingdom] The teddy bear from A. A. Milne and Disney's series.
Winter: [USA] Nikolas Kamarov, a StormWatch operative from Image/WildStorm/DC Comics.
Witch Hazel: [USA] The Salem Witch from Disney.
Wolfspider: [USA] Bill Bailey, the SWAT Team leader at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Woodstock: [USA] The little yellow bird from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Word, The: [USA] Harry Lovelace, the hostage negotiator at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Wroth: [USA] Character from Dale Keown's part of the original Image Universe/Full Bleed.
Wu Manchu: [Netherlands] Martin Lodewijk's parody on Fu Manchu from his series Agent 327.