Habeas Corpus: [USA] Monk's pet pig from Lester Dent's pulp series Doc Savage.
Hades: [Greece] The ruler of the Underworld from Greek Mythology.
Hal Chandler: [USA] The live part of the original 3D-Man (Marvel Universe, 616 continiuty).
Ham: [USA] Nickname for Theodore Marley Brooks the lawyer from Lester Dent's pulp series Doc Savage.
Hamlet: [United Kingdom] William Shakespeare's Prince of Denmark.
Hana-Maru: [Japan] One of Badtz-Maru's friend (Sanrio Company).
Handsome Dan: [USA] Jolly Roger's henchman from a.k.a. Comics.
Hangman, The: [USA] Robert Dickering, the immortal avenger from DC Comics Red Circle.
Hans: [Denmark] The father in Helge Hall's series Hans og Grete.
Hansi Engelmeier: [Germany] Engelmann, Nicolas Mahler's tragic super-hero.
Hard Haid Moe: [USA] The hermit from Disney.
Hardedge: [USA] Mercenary from Shadowline, Jim Valentino's part of the original Image Universe.
Hardware: [USA] Criminal from Erik Larsen's part of the original Image Universe.
Harleen Quinzel: [USA] Harley Quinn, a villain from DC Comics (post-crisis Earth-0).
Harley Quinn: [USA] Harleen Quinzel, a villain from DC Comics (post-crisis Earth-0).
Harry Lovelace: [USA] The Word, the hostage negotiator at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Hart Druiter: [USA] Nemesis Kid, the pre-crisis version of the villain with the adaptive powers.
Havheksen: [USA] Danish name for the Sea Hag from Elzie Crisler Segar's series Popeye.
Hawthorne: [USA] The hermit crab from Jim Toomey's series Sherman's Lagoon.
Heatwave: [USA] Dylan Cruise, the original leader of Cyber Force from Image/TopCow.
Hebe: [Greece] A daughter of Zeus and Hera, and the wife of Herakles from Greek Mythology.
Hector Lopez: [USA] Monsoon, the desk sergeant at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Hektor: [USA] Original Danish name for Tiny the dog, the Great Dane from Disney.
Hel: [Iceland, Scandinavia] The ruler of Niflheim from Norse Mythology.
Hellion: [USA] Harbinger/demon hybrid from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Hello Kitty: [Japan] Kitty White, the famous cute cat (Sanrio Company).
Hellstrike: [USA] Nigel Keane, a StormWatch operative from Image/WildStorm/DC Comics.
Hendrik IJzerbroot: [Netherlands] Martin Lodewijk's secret Dutch agent, Agent 327.
Henry: [USA] Original name for Pepé Le Pew from Looney Tunes.
Herbert Garrison: [USA] The muliple personality/trans gender teacher from South Park.
Hermes: [Greece] The messenger of the Greek gods.
Hjulben: [USA] Danish name for Road Runner, the fast bird from Looney Tunes.
Hjulhunden: [Sweden] The toy dog from Rune Andréasson series Pellefant.
Hobbe: [USA] Swedish name for Hobbes, the (toy)tiger from Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Hobbes: [USA] The (toy)tiger from Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Hobby Hipp: [Norway] Sissel Solem's kid of the 1970s.
Hokey Wolf [USA] Hanna and Barbera's slacker and con artist.
Hollis Mason: [USA] The first Nightowl from Alan Moore's Watchmen (DC Comics).
Hope Stevens: [USA] The daughter of Shy Stevens/ChiSai (Approbation Comics).
Horseman: [USA] Immortal warrior from Kevlar Studios.
Hotwire: [USA] Hero with electrical powers from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Hr. Maehløs: [Denmark] The owner of Maehløs & Co. from Holger Philipsen's series Carlt.
Huckleberry Hound: [USA] Hanna & Barbera's blue dog.
Huebert Duck: [USA] Huey Duck's real name in the cartoon series Quack Pack (Disney).
Huey Duck: [USA] One of Donald Duck's three nephews (Disney).
Hugo Habicht: [USA] German name for Emil Eagle, the evil genius from Disney.
Hugo Sępal: [USA] Polish name for Emil Eagle, the evil genius from Disney.
Hulk: [USA] Robert Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk from Marvel Universe (616 continiuty).
Hultrasson: [Belgium] Marcel Remacle and Marcel Denis' viking.
Hwen Dong Fong: [USA] Doctor Mirage, a paranormal investigator from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Hwen Mirage: [USA] Doctor Mirage, a paranormal investigator from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Hyperdog: [USA] Kemlo Caesar, the briefing officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics.
Hyperion: [Greece] Sun god from the original Greek Mythology.
Høne: [Denmark] The hen from Torben Osted's series Fodring Forbudt.