Tabby: [USA] Donald Duck's cat (Disney).
Tabernacle: [USA] The muslim superhero from Broadway Comics.
Taboo: [USA] Amanda Reed, character with a vampiric symbiote from Image/WildStorm.
Tag: [USA] The Bloodstrike operative from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Tagalong: [USA] One of the kids from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Tajana Juarez: [USA] Character from Shadowline, Jim Valentino's part of the original Image Universe.
Taker of Souls, The: [USA] Demon from DC Comics Red Circle.
Talon: [USA] The red dragon from Dragon Cross (Big City Comics).
Tamara Bryn Neil: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
Tammy: [Japan] One of the two entertaining monkeys from Hello Kitty (Sanrio Company).
Tammy Tuff: [Belgium] English name for Benoît Brisefer, Peyo's polite and very strong boy.
Tank: [USA] Joe Valez, a Secret Weapon from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Taylor Kendall: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Terror 2000: [USA] The software version of the Black Terror from America's Best Comics.
Tezcatlipoca: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] The Aztec god of night and all material things.
Thalia Costas: [USA] Character from Valiant Heroes - 2.
Tharok: [USA] The pre-crisis version of the cybernetic member of the Fatal Five (DC Comics).
Thekla: [Germany] The spider from Waldemar Bonsels' Die Biene Maja.
Thémistocle: [Belgium] The king's advisor from Louis-Michel Carpentier's series Les Toyottes.
Theodore Marley Brooks: [USA] The lawyer from Lester Dent's pulp series Doc Savage a.k.a. Ham.
Thermal: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Thom Kallor:
Thomas Hugo Strange: [USA] Alan Moore's version of the science-hero (America's Best Comics (ABC)).
Thomas J. Roberts: [USA] Character from Lester Dent's pulp series Doc Savage.
Thomas John McCall: [USA] Character from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Thor: [USA] Rob Liefeld's version of the Norse god from his part of the original Image Universe.
Thornton: [USA] Polar bear from Jim Toomey's series Sherman's Lagoon.
Three Little Pigs: [USA] Disney's version of the Three Little Pigs from the European Folk Tales.
Tigger: [United Kingdom] The toy tiger from A. A. Milne and Disney's series Winnie the Pooh.
Tillie: [Italy] Danish name for Melody, one of Minnie Mouse's nieces (Disney).
Timber Wolf:
Timmy Bracken: [USA] Character from Dale Keown's part of the original Image Universe/Full Bleed.
Tiny the dog: [USA] Great Dane from Disney.
Tinya Wazzo:
Tippy: [Japan] The kind hearted bear from Hello Kitty (Sanrio Company).
Tirynth: [USA] A black dragon and hunter from Dragon Cross (Big City Comics).
Tish Boudreau: [USA] Character from Valiant Heroes - 2.
Toby: [USA] One of the kids from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Tommy: [USA] Danish name for Tabby, Donald Duck's cat (Disney).
Tommy Rourke: [USA] Character from Image/TopCow.
Tommytot: [Denmark] One of the boys from Holger Philipsen's series Carlt.
Tony Grage: [Denmark] Danish illustrator and author.
Toshiro Misawa: [USA] Fuji, a StormWatch operative from Image/WildStorm/DC Comics.
Tossede Tegner, Den: [Denmark] Mogens Jørgensen's pantomime cartoonist with the magical pen.
Trace O'Donnell: [USA] The first Bloodbow from Image/TopCow.
Tracer Bullet: [USA] Calvin's detective alias from Bill Watterson's series Calvin and Hobbes.
Tracy: [Japan] The prankster raccoon from Hello Kitty (Sanrio Company).
Trainer [USA] Trainer of mercenaries from Approbation Comics.
Tramp: [USA] The stray dog who settled down and married Lady (Disney).
Tre små mænd, De: [Denmark] Storm P.'s three small men.
Trent Peterson: [USA] Buzzcut, a four armed mutant cyborg from CyberData (Image/Top Cow).
Trigger: [USA] One of the prison guards from Disney's version of Robin Hood.
Triplicate Girl:
Trofast: [USA] Danish name for Trusty, the retired police dog from Disney.
Troll: [USA] The adventurer and hero from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Troy Hickenbottom: [USA] Character from Broadway Comics.
Troy Todd: [USA] The inept hero called the First American, from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Trusty: [USA] Retired police dog from Disney.
Turbo: [Belgium] The airline pilot from François Walthéry and Gos' series Natacha.
Tusnelda: [USA] Danish name for Witch Hazel, the Salem Witch from Disney.
Tut-Tut: [USA] Norwegian name for Little Toot, the little tug boat from Disney/Gold Key.
Tût-Tût: [USA] French name for Little Toot, the little tug boat from Disney/Gold Key.
Tweety: [USA] The tiny yellow bird from Looney Tunes.
Twilight: [USA] Linda Kendall, a superhero from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.