Cabbot Stone: [USA] Reanimated mercenary from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Cairo the Rogue: [USA] Adventurer and thief from Rob Liefeld's revised Universe.
Caleb: [USA] Condition Red, metahuman adventurer and Chaos Artist from the Monarchy (WildStorm).
Calvin: [USA] Bill Watterson's famous boy from his series Calvin and Hobbes.
Camaxtli: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] god of war, hunting, and fate, and creator of fire.
Cannon: [USA] Mitchell Saunders, a StormWatch operative from Image/WildStorm/DC Comics.
Captain Analpho: [Germany] The seasoned super-hero from Nicolas Mahler's super-hero satire.Captain Klutz: [USA] Don Martin's inept super-hero.
Carin Lane: [USA] Velocity, the speedster from CyberForce (Image/Top Cow).
Carl Sorge: [Netherlands] Dutch secret agent from Martin Lodewijk's series Agent 327.
Carlt: [Denmark] Holger Philipsen's delivery boy.
Carmen Ruiz: [USA] Paranormal investigator from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Carol Hatcher: [USA] An operative at the Secret Weapons program, from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Cassandra Cain: [USA] The third Batgirl from DC Comics (post-crisis Earth-0).
Cathy Colby: [USA] Peregrine, police officer at Top 10 from America's Best Comics (ABC).
Centaurian: [USA] Alien police man from Valiant Heroes - 2.
Centeotl: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] The Aztec maize god.
Chalchiuhtlatonal: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] The Aztec maize god.
Chalchiuhtlicue: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec goddess of the ocean, running water, and rivers.
Chalchiutotolin: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] The Aztec god of pestilence.
Chalmecacihuilt: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] An Aztec goddess of the underworld.
Chalmecatl: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] An Aztec god of the underworld.
Chantico: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] Aztec goddess of hearth and volcanic fires.
Chap: [USA] Danish name for Dale, one of the chipmunks and rescue rangers from Disney.
Charlie Brown: [USA] Charles M. Schulz's famous boy from the series Peanuts.
Charlie Dog: [USA] The homeless Airedale terrier from Looney Tunes.
Charlotte Braun: [USA] A loudmouth girl from Charles M. Schulz's series Peanuts.
Charly Sorrow: [Netherlands] Alias for Carl Sorge from Martin Lodewijk's series Agent 327.
Checkpoint Charlie: [USA] The living piece of wall, from Jim Krueger's series Foot Soldiers.
Chef, Le: [Belgium] The conductor for whom strange things happens on the podium.
Chemistry: [USA] Ham's pet monkey from Lester Dent's pulp series Doc Savage.
Cheng: [USA] Immortal villain from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Chicomecoatl: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] An Aztec goddess of maize.
Chicomexochtli: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] The Aztec god of painters.
Chiconahui: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] The Aztec hearth-goddess, and guardian of the household.
Chiconahuiehecatl: [Aztec Empire/Mexico] A minor Aztec god of creation.
Chief O'Freenbean: [USA] The chief of police from Don Martin's series Captain Klutz.
Chief O'Hara: [USA] The Chief of police in Duckburg (Disney).
Childe Roland: [USA] The half-elf poet from Avalon Studios.
Chip: [USA] One of the chipmunks and rescue rangers from Disney.
ChiSai: [USA] Shy Stevens, mercenary from Approbation Comics.
Chococat: [Japan] The black cat who is always up on the latest news (Sanrio Company).
Choo-Choo: [USA] One of the Knights on Broadway from Broadway Comics.
Christie: [USA] The littel girl from Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker's series Sam and Silo.
Christine Trelane: [USA] Metahuman activator from StormWatch and the Monarchy (WildStorm).
Christopher Robin: [United Kingdom] The boy from A. A. Milne and Disney's series Winnie the Pooh.
Chuck Chandler: [USA] The hero part of 3D-Man (Marvel Universe, 616 continiuty).
Cicero Pig: [USA] Porky Pig's nephew (Looney Tunes).
Cintia Paiva: [Brasil] Biquinho's friend and neighbour (Disney).
Citadel: [USA] The intergalactic arms-dealer from Valiant Heroes - 2 (Acclaim).
Citizen Abra: [USA] Abra Kadabra, magician and villain from DC Comics.
Çizgi Adam: [Italy] Turkish name for Osvaldo Cavandoli's cartoon character La Linea.
Clara Cluck: [USA] A friend of Minnie and Mickey Mouse (Disney).
Clarabelle Cow: [USA] A friend of Minnie and Mickey Mouse (Disney).
Clarice: [USA] The Cobweb's chauffeur (America's Best Comics (ABC)).
Clark Joseph Kent: [USA, Canada] The post-crisis New Earth/Earth-0 Superman (DC Comics).
Clark Kent:
Clark Savage Jr.: [USA] Lester Dent's pulp hero Doc Savage.
Clarkson: [USA] The leader of the atomic research lab in Atom Valley, from Gold Key.
Claude: [USA] One of the teenage velociraptors from Acclaim Comics.
Claus: [Denmark] The son in Helge Hall's series Hans og Grete.
Cody: [USA] The pup from Jim Davis's series U.S. Acres.
Colonel Potterby: [USA] The good natured colonel from Chic Young's Colonel Potterby and the Duchess.
Colossal Boy:
Comedian: [USA] Edward Morgan Blake, one of the heroes from Alan Moore's Watchmen (DC Comics).
Commander K-9: [USA] The Martian dog working with Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes).
Commander X-2: [USA] Marvin the Martian, the Martian conqueror from Looney Tunes.
Communion: [USA] Space god from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Computo: [USA] The pre-crisis version of the LSH villain/majordomo (DC Comics).
Concombre Masqué, Le: [France] Nikita Mandryka's masked cucumber.
Condition Red: [USA] Caleb, metahuman adventurer and Chaos Artist from the Monarchy (WildStorm).
Cookie-Bau: [Japan] The dog who loves to bake and eat cookies (Sanrio Company).
Copycat: [USA] Gem Antonelli, the mind controlling gen-active from Image/WildStorm.
Cosmic Boy:
Cowboy-Kalle: [Sweden] The cowboy doll from Rune Andréasson's series Pellefant.
Cram: [USA] The harbinger with the ability to cram into any space of any size (Valiant Heroes - 1).
Crazy legs: [USA] The paranormal investigator Carmen Ruiz from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Crescendo: [USA] An immortal queen from Valiant Heroes - 1.
Crossbones: [USA] Nicholas A. Jones, a WetWorks operative (Image/WildStorm/DC Comics).
Crypt: [USA] A time-travelling killer from Rob Liefeld's part of the original Image Universe.
Cyprianus: [Belgium] One of the soldiers from Louis-Michel Carpentier's series Les Toyottes.
Cyrus Benjamin: [USA] Nanotech enhanced man from Broadway Comics.