Place of birth: Pingonesia
Eyes: Black
Hair: None, black and white feathers
Race: Penguin
Occupation: Ship's mate on the ship Mary II
Story: Pingo is the World's best ship's mate according to Rasmus Klump. He is always near Rasmus Klump and is the one in the group who talks the most.
Continuity: Rasmus Klump
Publisher(s): P.I.B.
First app.: Berlingske Aftenavis (November 17, 1951)
Creator(s): Carla Hansen
Vilhelm Hansen
Country of origin: Denmark
Background notes: Like Rasmus Klump and Pildskadden, Pingo became known for other things than the comics and cartoons. While his Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark was in Frømandskorpset (the Danish equivalent to the Navy SEALs) he was known as Pingo.
Names around the World:
Denmark | Pingo |
Faroe Island | Pingo |
France | Pingo |
Germany | Pingo |
Italy | Pingo |
Netherlands | Pingo |
Portugal | Pingo |
Sweden | Pingo |
Related links/characters: