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Sister Agnes

Sister Agnes Eyes: Black
Race: Human

Occupation: Nun
Legal status: U.S. citizen
Marital Status: Single
Base of operations: Upper Duckwater, USA

Story: Sister Agnes is a nun at the local church. She spends a lot of time with her friend Funny Floyd.

Continuity: Sam & Silo
Company: King Features
First app.: Comics: 1977
Creator(s): Mort Walker
Jerry Dumas
Country of origin: USA USA

Background notes: In the spirit of dignified types of characters doing silly or childish things, Sister Agnes the roller skating nun offering an alternative insight into the Catholic Church, as it looks in Upper Duckwater USA.


Names around the World:
DenmarkSøster Agnes
UK/USASister Agnes

Related links/characters:
- Abe McGuffie
- Algy
- Christie
- Foggy
- Funny Floyd
- Granny Naps
- Jasper
- Mr. Teetering
- Rosie
- Sam Barnes
- Silo Tidley

Cross cultural references:
If you enjoyed this character/series, you might enjoy
Momsemor/Granny: Werner Wejp-Olsens playful and strong old lady from his series Granny and Slowpoke/Momsemor. Same type of humor.